Friday 9 February 2018

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Saturday 16 December 2017

Badminton Updates

Badminton Updates

We know that now a days badminton becoming a very popular in all over countries and do you know one thing the world speedest sports is badminton only compared to other sports.

16 DEC Results

Badminton Techniques, Shots and Skills

Badminton Techniques, Shots and Skills

There are NOT MANY badminton techniques out there, which makes it fairly easy to master the game. Sounds easy? No, not until you practice… practice… and PRACTICE.

For Beginners

Do not rush through to learn all the different types of badminton shots. Learn and practice each type of shot until you’re really good at it. Then move on to learn new types of shots.
I will provide you with a step by step schedule below to assist your journey to become a pro.
Have a look at the badminton basics page before learning the badminton skills on this page.

For Advanced Players

Since you’re reading this page, I’m guessing that you already know most or all of the techniques but want to improve your skills, right? Feel free to browse the links below this page.
Remember, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, mastering one technique at a time is better than knowing a little bit of all the techniques.
Knowing and practising the correct badminton techniques makes you a true PRO.

Badminton Shots (Forehand)

There are ONLY 3 types of shots:
  1. Clearing (or Lobbing)
  2. Drop Shots
  3. Smash
Use lobs and drops to weaken your opponent’s footwork and then dominate the game! When you’re putting constant pressure your opponent, you can easily win a point.
  1. Badminton Clear/Lob and Underarm Forehand Clear
    Learn how to lob properly and your opponent won’t be able to return a powerful shot.
  2. Badminton Drop
    If you connect a proper drop shot, your opponent is less likely to execute a powerful shot too.
  3. Badminton Smash and Badminton Jump SmashDo not train the smash or jump smash until you have mastered the above shots. However a powerful smash WINS A POINT!!

Badminton Shots (Backhand Variations)

A weak badminton backhand gives your opponent the chance to dominate a match. Know the correct technique and sources of power for a badminton backhand.
  1. Badminton Backhand Clear/ Lob and Undearm Backhand Clear
    Learn this together with other badminton shots. Use a backhand clear/lob to send the shuttle to the back of the court!
  2. Backhand Drop Shot
    Learn how to counter your opponents’ attack to your backhand area with a backhand drop. Execute this properly and it can be a quality offensive shot.
  3. Badminton Backhand Smash
    Surprise your opponent with a powerful backhand smash! Learn the correct technique to execute this difficult shot.

Your Badminton Techniques and Skills Roadmap

Apart from improving your shots, here are other important techniques you need to master during a game.


Defending a Badminton Smash
Do you want to know how to return a shot if your opponent smashes? Here are tips to defend against a powerful smash.
Badminton Defense: Defending Smashes and Powerful Shots
A more detailed tutorial with pictures to help you improve your defense against powerful shots and smashes!

Basic Badminton Techniques

Badminton Footwork 
Move around the badminton court in an organised manner. If you have good footwork, you’ll have extraordinary agility and you’ll be able to return every shot from your opponent!
Badminton Serve
Before learning any other shots, know the correct technique for serving first. If you can serve well, your opponent won’t be able to give a deadly return shot.
Gripping Technique
Learn how to grip your racket correctly – the most important basic technique!

Badminton Net Play

Badminton Net Play

Badminton net play is a vital skill when you’re playing along the net with your opponent. This is a fairly difficult skill to master because you need EXTREMELY good control over your racket.
If you’re good at net play, you can easily win a rally at the front of the court, by performing the tumbling net shot or the badminton net kill.
Don’t worry so much if you don’t get what I’m saying right now. I will guide you through with simple steps and you’ll master the various badminton net play skills with enough practice.

Steps to Master Badminton Net Play

To master this badminton skill, you’ll need:
1. Good badminton footwork to bring you quickly to the front of the court to return the shuttle. Always try to take the shuttle when it’s still high in the air. In this case, hit the shuttle at the highest point possible near the net.
If the shuttle is near the badminton net and is still high up, JUST TAKE YOUR CHANCE TO SMASH!
Engage in badminton net play only when your opponent returns a perfect drop shot, or if he gives you a net shot and you wish to return another net shot.
2. Good control of your racket. First, make sure that you’re holding your racket the correct way. Review your badminton basics to maximise your badminton net play skills.
Good control over your badminton racket is important to ensure you exert just enough power into your net shot (and not too much power, but sufficient power for the shuttle fly across just above the net).
You’ll have to practice a few times and figure out how much strength to exert for a net shot; and also find out where’s the best point to ‘slice’ your racket against the shuttle.
Other Useful Tips for Effective Badminton Net Play:
  • Take the shuttle at the highest point possible.
  • Exert appropriate strength to send the shuttle across the other side (preferably having the shuttle fly RIGHT ABOVE THE NET)

Types of Net Shots

The following are the tutorials for the various badminton net play skills.

1. The Tumbling/Spinning Net Shot

net shot flight direction
Badminton Spinning Net Shot (a.k.a. Tumbling Net Shot)
Force your opponent to lift the shuttle high up to you. If you can play extremely good spinning net shots, the net shot itself can be a ‘killer shot’ and you’ll find yourself winning rallies at the front of the net.

2. The Net Kill

net kill flight direction
Badminton Net Kill (Offensive)
When your opponent returns a weak net shot, strike it swiftly with net kill!

3. The Net Lift

net lift flight direction
Badminton Net Lift (Defensive)
The net lift is an important defensive shot. Send the shuttle to the back of the court with a net lift! This skill is important to keep you out of trouble if your opponent plays very well along the net.

Get the Basics Right

I personally consider this as the biggest challenge in badminton, even more challenging than doing a jump smash!
I suggest you learn this skill AFTER you’re familiar with all your basic badminton strokes.
Put your racket near the net and let the shuttle ‘BOUNCE’ over the other side of the court whenever you get a front shuttle.
Get a feel of where’s the best point to touch the shuttle in order for it to ‘bounce’ just above the net.
When you already master the technique of ‘bouncing’ the shuttle to the other side of the court, you might want to bring your net play skills to the next level.

How to Win Rallies with Badminton Net Play

The basic idea is to:
  • Force your opponent to the front of the court. This is usually done by hitting a drop shot (if you’re at the back of the court) or hit a spinning net shot (if you’re at the front of the court)
  • Play along the net with your opponent until he decides to lift the shuttle high up
If your opponent:
  • Returns a weak net shot (shuttle flies high above the net), perform the net kill
  • Returns an extremely good net shot (shuttle hits the top of the badminton net and tumbles over to your side of the court), perform the net lift
Badminton net play is mainly used to FORCE your opponent to lift the shuttle high in the air, so that you can execute a strong attacking shot.
The competition is based on who gives up playing along the net and lifts the shuttle.
If you give up playing along the net and lift the shuttle, you are inviting your opponent to attack you.
However, you’re sometimes forced to lift the shuttle if your opponent plays very well along the net.
If you’re good at playing near the net, your opponent may decide not to engage in badminton net play. This forces your opponent to “lift” the shuttle high up, giving YOU a chance to produce an offensive shot!

If You’re a Beginner…

This is not the badminton skill you should learn first, if you haven’t mastered your badminton clear/lob and badminton drop shot.
This doesn’t mean you can’t learn this, BUT it will be A LOT EASIER if you learn the basics first.
If you’re wondering whether you should learn badminton net play, ask yourself whether you have good control over your racket. If the answer is yes, GO AHEAD!
It’s not a big problem if you’re not good at playing along the net. You can always avoid engaging in net play by doing an underarm badminton clear or a net lift (a “net lift” is a lob performed near the net).
However, you should know that as you lift or lob the shuttle, you are technically ‘inviting’ your opponent to perform an attack towards you.